Thursday, December 4, 2008

Current Event # 1

Hey, it's been awhile. So for my current event for this week I will talk about my political cartoon that I chose. I chose the cartoon from the Washington Post, I believe it was in Sunday's post? Anyways, my political cartoon was a picture of a house with a long line of people standing outside the front door equip with full, budging suitcases. The cartoon also had a question, " Q:How do you make friends in Washington? A: Sell out one of your rooms for the next Inaguration." I thought this was an interesting cartoon because it really is true to an extent. No, I don't think that one can really make friends with a stranger staying in their home (although it can happen) I think maybe along the lines of new accquaintnces. This upcoming Inauguration is one that will go down in history so it is no surprise that many people are flocking to Washington D.C. to see the historic event. Not to mention the nice income the home-owners recieev from their guests. Some rooms even go for thousands of dollars a night, crazy!

1 comment:

Tyler said...

HAHA...that sounds really funny sarah. That is a really awesome cartoon. IDK if I would rent out me house for so much money...LET'S DO IT...wait...are we supposed to comment still?...whatever...anyways...that cartoon sounds awesome and I wish I would've done that one sounds like an awesome one!