Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Post #6

So here it is, the final Election Post, and the Election is upon us with the continuous campaigning coming to an end. Who will win the Presidency? As I watched the Conventions, read the Newspapers, read blogs, and watched the fluctuation of polls, I have come to the conclusion that Senator Barack Obama will win, and become the next President of the United States. I believe that Obama will win the Electoral College vote 320:218. I am not entirely sure about the popular vote but if I could guess, I think Obama would win 56,000 to McCain's 49,500 popular votes. I think that Obama will win because he has been out campaigning and raising a lot more money than McCain has, and has shown the public and the country that he is doing what he can to show his sincerity and dedication to the Country and to the office. Obama has raised tons of money towards his campaign while McCain used the money given and raised little. Obama used the media in his campaign as an advantage by broadcasting many ads on tv, radios, the internet, etc, to showcase his candidacy to more people.
I think the winner of the Virginia State will be Demorcrat Marc Warner, than Republican Jim Gilmore. I think Warner will win over Gilmore because not only will Virginia most likely swing Demorartic this Election for the President, but most likely will lean towards Demorcrat for the State race as well. Governeor Marc Warner helped cut taxes making more affordable and helped bond ratings. He has also helped fund for schools, helped buisnesses, other services, and during his previous times working in the Government he helped with the economy. I think that Marc Warner will win State.
For the 10th district, I think that Frank Wolf will win.
For the 11th district, I think that Gerry Connolly will win.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Hey Sarah...because this is so late...he DID win...hooray for Obama!!!...uh oh...my electoral college may be a bit off though...whoops...o well...anways...good job...on he post and your predictions...obviously they are correct!!!