Sunday, October 19, 2008

Current Event # 4

The article I chose from The Washington Post, is, “World Leaders Offer Unity but No Steps to Ease Crisis.” This article is about the national and international financial crisis that is affecting many people around the world. Officials from twenty major countries are trying to come together to create a plan that can help support the economy and bring the stock markets, and international markets up once again. Some officials came up with a plan that has the major countries come together and create an international bank where each country helps support a portion of it. Some believe that this will help the failing economies cope with their loss and bring their economies back up over time. The economy is now affecting consumer spending which directly results in a decrease of merchandise manufacturing. Officials from the twenty most thriving countries are still debating on whether to further the approach of creating the financial plan. Some have their doubts saying the right now the principles of the plan are too vague and not concrete enough. The article ends saying that the international financial bank plan is still being decided upon.

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