Sunday, May 31, 2009

Current Event # 3

For my third current event for the fourth quarter, I decided to look in the style section of the Washington Post for some interesting topics. The topic I chose was about the hit series, " Jon and Kate plus 8." This show just started its fifth season and has many people following the drama and the entertainment. Jon and Kate have eight children, two twin girls who are now ten years old, and sextuplets who are three girls and three boys. Kate, the mother, enjoys the spotlight that is constantly on her family, and enjoys commentating on her everyday activities. Kate has written a best seller book about handling her chaotic family and travels the country for her book tours. However, Jon is not happy that their show is continuing. At first he didn't mind having a life in front of the camera, but once he had to quit his job and become a stay-at-home- dad who was always been bossed around, his mind-set changed. Newspapers, magazines, and television shows try to amp up the drama in their lives, but who really knows what's happening behind the scenes? I thought this was an interesting article because I watch this show.

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