Sunday, May 31, 2009

Current Event # 4

For my fourth current event I chose an article titled, " Forever Young." This article is about an ecncylepeida book that has photography and illistrations that show the teens growing up in today's decade. The pictures depict the many emotions people go through as they transition into their adult lives and as they leave childhood behind. The article was interesting because it talked about how different people are, and how alike they can be too. The pictures that are with the article are amazing!

Current Event # 3

For my third current event for the fourth quarter, I decided to look in the style section of the Washington Post for some interesting topics. The topic I chose was about the hit series, " Jon and Kate plus 8." This show just started its fifth season and has many people following the drama and the entertainment. Jon and Kate have eight children, two twin girls who are now ten years old, and sextuplets who are three girls and three boys. Kate, the mother, enjoys the spotlight that is constantly on her family, and enjoys commentating on her everyday activities. Kate has written a best seller book about handling her chaotic family and travels the country for her book tours. However, Jon is not happy that their show is continuing. At first he didn't mind having a life in front of the camera, but once he had to quit his job and become a stay-at-home- dad who was always been bossed around, his mind-set changed. Newspapers, magazines, and television shows try to amp up the drama in their lives, but who really knows what's happening behind the scenes? I thought this was an interesting article because I watch this show.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Current Event # 2

The topic of my second current event was the Swine Flu and how it is spread, and what it really is. I found artile online on the CNN website. It was interesting to see what the definition of the swine flu was and how it was spread. The most common way that it had been distributed throughout the states was through contagious stages. At first the swine flu hit the United States with a big scare when people were noted having the flu, and many news stations did reports on the symtoms. The flu did jump from animal to human, but the scare has been decreasing over time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

4th Quarter Blog Post # 1

For my first current
event post for the fourth quarter, I found an interesting article in the
Washington Post, page A12. Although I was looking for an interesting article
the Style section for last weeks current event, I found another
article. The current event that I chose to talk about was
about a soldier
who decided to start a charrity group that
donated new wheelchairs
for disabled children in Iraq.
This was an
interesting article because
throughout the article it talked
about the
solider's life and hardships and how
he wanted to help others.
He said
many soldiers helped with his effort and
shipped over
wheelchairs to
Iraq. The soldier has transformed his life to